
Nvidia is launching a "New Gaming Platform" on the 3rd of March 2022 - Reveals Hidden Message

Some rather inquisitive guy found something rather interesting in the source code of the official page of Fabricated to Game. (Thankyou for the tip Jo!) The folio which simply shows the invite contains a hidden message, presumably from the programmer who fabricated the page. At the time of writing the message is notwithstanding present in the lawmaking and can be viewed using a debugger on this page.nvidia made to game

Nvidia to launch a 'new gaming platform' at 'Made to Game' - probably an Android Console

The invitation was sent out some fourth dimension back and simply stated to "bring together me [Jen-Hsun] for a very special evening on 3rd March". It also throws around words like redefine the future of gaming. People were most definitely expecting a Tegra X1 SHIELD product but I doubt many were expecting an Android Console. Which seems to be just as probable now. If you press F12 on the folio and and then navigate the code y'all will come upon the following message:

On March 3, you are invited to bring together NVIDIA CEO Jensen as nosotros unveil a revolutionary new gaming platform.

So its a revolutionary, new, gaming, platform. Okay. What exactly does that hateful. Well, if you combine this particular revelation with the fact that Nvidia has been hinting and hiring developers in the android console development program the chances of it being a mini Android Console go upwardly exponentially. The fact that Nvidia has been working on information technology for "v years" besides starts to make a teeny tiny bit more sense (as opposed to a new iteration of SHIELD).

Needless to say such a device will most certainly be powered by the Tegra X1 SoC. With an insanely powerful 20nm scrap in the heart of their system, this panel could actually pose a pregnant threat to current competitors the like of Ouya. Since Tegra X1 SoC would support (and actually have the horsepower) to run advanced features such every bit the full desktop renderer of Unreal Engine 4 and AEP (Android Extension Pack) the visual vigil of the platform would be unrivaled too. It also goes without saying that I could be wrong about this and Nvidia is either 1) launching something brand new and never seen before that actually goes on to redefine gaming or 2) this is just glorified marketing for the new SHIELD iteration.


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