
Never Say Never to Neverwinter on PS4 - Will Be Releaed In The Future

Neverwinter, the Dungeon's & Dragon'due south MMO for Xbox One and PC, merely might be coming to the PS4 in the futurity, though no appointment or details have been promised yet.

Neverwinter for PS4 has been confirmed during a Wizards of the Coast live-stream.

Trevor Kidd, the associate brand manager at Wizards of the Coast disclosed during the alive-stream that in that location are definite plans for a PS4 release of Neverwinter to round out the platforms that it'southward available on.

The costless-to-play MMO has been available on PC since 2022, the Xbox 1 since this by March though the plans to aggrandize the reach have e'er been secret. That is, until at present. No bodily details were released other than the fact that they are pursuing having Neverwinter grace the PS4 at some indicate.

MMO's aren't necessarily a console's forte, though they do have the ability to be successful if control schemes are done properly. The Elder Scroll's Online itself has seen more than popularity than expected, causing servers to buckle nether the pressure of increased populations.

Currently Neverwinter enjoys around ane.6 million agile players on the Xbox Ane alone. This makes information technology i of the almost pop MMORPG's on console today.

Three brusk months subsequently launch, players had achieved quite a fleck of game fourth dimension, and the following highlights were released by Ambiguous Studio and Perfect World, showing just how enjoyable it possibly can be.

  • ii.three million characters created with over 92,000 reaching the level 60 cap
  • 86 meg minutes of Neverwinter played
  • 16 billion Astral Diamonds earned
  • 10 million parties formed
  • Over 1 billion enemies slain including Undead, Orcs, and Bandits
  • 92 players have killed over 1,000 dragons


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